Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What To Do

What do I do when I trust a man that everyone thinks is lying? The love of my life told me he missed me yesterday. He told me that he made a mistake and by being apart, he realized how much he couldn't live without me. It sounds perfect. Of course, the day that I create a blog to try and move on with my life without him is the day he decides that he made a mistake. Perfect timing! He told me that he never cheated, that he only lied about it to get me as far away from him as possible. He also told me that he never got an STD, again, only lying about it to push me away. Apparently this girl that he is supposedly in love with is yet another scheme to get at me. According to him, she means nothing to him and he doesn't even know if she's pregnant. And if she is, she's having an abortion. Oh, and the tattoo of her name on his neck. Yet another reckless decision he made because he didn't care. Does he regret it? Yes. Is he going to remove it? Yes. Ha ha. All of my questions answered, wrapped up in a pretty little bow. Where do I go from here? I know him. I know he'd never cheat on me. He can be pretty selfish sometimes, but he would never intentionally hurt me. So, how can I divide the truth from the possible manipulation he is using to get what he wants? I mean, how can I date a man with another woman's name on his neck? Well, checking the results of his STD test would rule that out, as well as my suspicion of his cheating with one girl. And the other? I can only take his word as truth. The pregnancy? I still doubt it's his kid because he has only known this girl for a month and she is not a loyal girl, if ya know what I mean. And that hideous tattoo...

Ugh. What am I going to do with him? This guy better be trying double-time to win the love of his life back. Because she can't deal with this crap!

Until next time....

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