Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gotta Have Faith

So, I have control issues. It's so hard not knowing things and not having things go your way. This morning he told me we'd hang out today. Well, 8 hours later.....nothing. I'm trying so hard not to text him, call him, seem too's horrible. Apparently she moved out today. They're still on eachother's myspaces, though. I gotta give it time. I gotta have faith. The Serenity Prayer is helping me out a lot:

"God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

I cannot change what he does. I can choose to not wait around though. All I can do is try so hard to let things go. Let the control go. Let the desire to know everything all the time go.
The less available I am, the more he'll want me. I know he loves me. I know he wants to make it work with us. He wants to go with me to therapy on Friday. His mom thinks he's only going because I'm bugging him, but he told me that he already planned on going, without me even mentioning it. He also calls me everyday. And he loves me. I cannot get out of his head, which is good. He is definitely not perfect, but no one is. Apart of me really wonders why I would take a man back that has another woman's name on his neck. Never in a million years would I think that of me. But I guess it's true that you don't truly know someone 'til you walk a mile in their shoes. Being with him just feels right. I'm a firm believer that if someone makes a mistake, if they really want to work it out, anything's possible. I'm hoping this is true for us. If not, we've already been broken up for 20+ days. I'm already in the healing process. I've already cried all the tears. Only time will tell where my life will go...

The saying that if you want to tell God a joke, you'd tell him your plan really applies to me right now.

We'll see.


  1. I love you Aysh! I know you are stressing right now, but I am glad to hear you are giving this up to God! I didn't want to overstep (anymore than I already do) my bounds, but I want to invite you to come to this new church group that is forming called mid town friends... (there is a link to it on my blog)... it is so different than anything I have seen before (and it is supported by my church, so i know they have good beliefs) but the "pastor" (more like church leader") Rebecca, is all about meeting people where they are in life! We should go have coffee with her on Thursday night, she is awesome...

  2. I nominated you for a giveaway at
    If you are bored later there is a spring fling going on at
    lots of fun stuff to win! It's why I was up at 3:00 this morning!
